Ignite Formation


  • September 13, 2024 1:03 PM | Anonymous

    The presentation on "Intellectual Virtue and Fatherhood" from the IGNITE Formation program emphasizes the importance of intellectual formation for men as a path to holiness and effective fatherhood.

    It outlines classical and contemporary intellectual virtues, highlighting the role of parents, especially fathers, in educating their children and fostering a love for truth. A ten-step process for developing these intellectual virtues is provided, focusing on goal-setting, accountability, and modeling healthy habits. The session concludes with discussion questions aimed at encouraging practical applications of these concepts in family life.

    See the full presentation here.

  • July 19, 2024 1:14 PM | Anonymous

    The presentation titled "Intellectual Virtue and Marriage" emphasizes the importance of intellectual formation in the context of marriage, encouraging individuals to pursue excellence of mind and virtue as a path to holiness.

    The presentation outlines four dimensions of formation, focusing on intellectual virtues that facilitate discernment of God's will and promote cognitive goods like truth and reasoning. The session also highlights the role of prudence in marriage, where husbands are encouraged to understand their marriage's purpose—both procreative and unitive—and to actively engage in learning about their spouses.

    Ultimately, it calls for a continuous journey of growth and understanding within the marital relationship, advocating for open discussions about successes and challenges in this endeavor.

    See the full presentation here.

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